HFU and Soon Chun Hyang University Signing a Cooperation Agreement Online


February 25 sees the signing of a cooperation agreement between HFU and Soon Chun Hyang University when the two hold a video conference for the details of in-depth mutual cooperation. Ms. Wu Chunmei, HFU President, Mr. Jin Chengyu and Mr. Quan Cangwan, President and Vice President of Soon Chun Hyang University respectively, attend the conference.

At the conference, the two parties sign a cooperation framework agreement and a letter of intent for cooperation in Software Engineering Programme. It is reported that Software Engineering in Soon Chun Hyang University has been selected into the BK21 project of South Korea (South Korea's world-class university development plan).

Ms. Wu Chunmei points out that the two universities have cooperated for 16 years, during which 324 talents were jointly cultivated, which has provided high-quality talent support for exchanges between Hefei and South Korea and the development of local semiconductor industry in recent years. She looks forward to improving the cooperation mechanism, building an effective learning platform for regular communication and exchange so that both parties may get benefited with mutual resources for the purpose of common development and comprehensively improved cooperation and education quality. Afterwards, Jin Chengyu remarks that the two universities have successfully co-organized Korean Speech Contest for 14 years and Chinese Speech Contest for 6 years. He also acknowledges the fruits of cooperation and hopes to deepen exchange and cooperation for the mutual win-win benefit.

 By actively introducing high-quality educational resources, HFU is devoted to cultivating urgently-needed talents for the development of local semiconductor and artificial intelligence industries.