Tang Junyao Wins Epee Individual and Team Golds at National Fencing Championships


On October 28, 2022 National Fencing Championship as well as National Youth Fencing Championship commenced in Wuxi (Jiangsu Province), attracting over 500 fencers from all over China to compete for 26 gold medals. After fierce competition, Tang Junyao, a HFU freshman as well as a High-performance fencer, bagged two gold medals in Womens Epee Individual and Women’s Epee Team events.  

 Tang Junyao is reported to have won Individual Championship of Womens Epee (youth group) at the National Fencing ChampionshipsQingdaothis September.

Co-sponsored by Chinese Fencing Association and Youth Sports Program Center of Central Radio and Television Station, National Fencing Championship is Chinas top fencing competition.