HFUers’ Paper Published in a Top International Journal


Recently, HFUs teacher Wang Erdong and his graduate student Zhou Jihuis paper Numerical and Constitutive Modeling of Quasi-static and Dynamic Mechanical Behavior in Graded Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures, was published in the international top journal for additive manufacturing Virtual and Physical Prototyping (IF: 10.6). Its corresponding author is Dr. Guo Xiao from National University of Singapore (NUS), and collaborators include HFUs professor Gu Man and Dr. Wang Huiran, and Professor Zhai Wei from NUS.

The paper systematically studies the mechanical behavior and constitutive model of both uniform and graded triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) lattice structures in additive manufacturing under quasi-static to high-speed dynamic impact loading. A comprehensive analysis of the mechanical responses of TPMS lattice structures is conducted over a wide range of strain rates (10-3 to 3000 s-1), considering stress-strain response, deformation patterns, and energy absorption. Taking into account the effect of strain rate, it also clarifies the underlying mechanism behind dynamic strength enhancement, constructs a theoretical prediction model of impact stress, and proposes the mechanical constitutive model of uniform and gradient lattice structures. Their research can provide a new design strategy for the application of additive manufacturing lightweight energy-absorbing materials in the field of impact protection.

Their research work is sponsored by Key Research and Development Program of Anhui Province(China), Advanced Research and Technological Innovation Center of NUS(Singapore), and University Scientific Research Project of Anhui Province(China).