德国马克斯普朗克研究所(胶体与界面)博士,英国剑桥大学化学系博士后,主要从事柔性电子器件及高分子相关新能源材料的制备及性能的研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金,国家留学基金委基金,安徽省自然科学基金,安徽省教育厅高校科研计划等科研项目。迄今以一作(含共一)及通讯作者在Journal of the American Chemical Society, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Macromolecules等高影响力SCI期刊发表多篇论文。担任Angewandte Chemie, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Polymer Science等多个国际期刊的审稿人,担任国际学术期刊Journal of Renewable Materials, Nanomaterials客座编辑。与剑桥大学、德国马普胶体所、北京大学、中国科学技术大学等科研团队有良好的合作。
[1] Wei, C.; Bai, G.; Yu, S.; Ding, X.; Yang, W.; Zhu, S.; Wang, S.; Lu, H.,Ultra-stretchable, toughened composite ionogel via synergetic hydration and hydrogen bonding interaction, Composites Communications 2024, 48, 101900
[2] Wang, D.; Chen, Z.; Jiang, Z.; An, Y.; Yu, S.; Zhang, H.; Yang, W.; Lu, H.; Wei, C.*; Mao, L., Exploring catalytic carbonization of MXene-encased fiber coatings for exceptionally flame-retarded flexible polyurethane foams, Progress in Organic Coatings 2024, 186, 108031
[3] Lv, Q.; Zhou, Y.; Wang, L.; Zhu, S.; Lu, H.; Yang, W.; Wei, C.*, Mo2C nanosheets decorated with boron dipyrromethene enabling photothermal and photodynamic attributes for highly efficient antibacterials, Applied Surface Science 2024, 652, 159216.
[4] Wei, C.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, Z.; Yang, W.; Lu, H.; Huang Z.; Yang W.; Zhu J., Recent Advances in MXene-Based Aerogels: Fabrication, Performance and Application, Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33: 2211889.
[5] Wei, C.†; Gao, T.†; Xu, Y.; Yang, W.; Dai, G.; Li, R.; Zhu, S.; Yuen, R.; Yang, W.; Lu, H., Synthesis of bio-based epoxy containing phosphine oxide as a reactive additive toward highly toughened and fire-retarded epoxy resins, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 2023, 1.
[6] Sun, H.; Li, T.; An, Y., Wang, D., Yang, W., Sun, H.; Lu, H.; Wei, C.*, Bimetallic ions induced toughened, self-healable and conductive hydrogels for bioelectronics,Material letters 2023, 350, 134964.
[7] Xu, Y.; Yang, W.; Zhou, Q.; Gao, T.; Guo, M.; Tai, Q.; Zhu, S.; Lu, H.; Yuen, R.; Yang, W., Wei, C.*, Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 450, 138475.
[8] Xiao, T.; Bao, C.; Zhang, L.; Diao, K.; Ren, D.; Wei, C.*; Li, Z.; Xiao, Q., An artificial light-harvesting system based on the ESIPT–AIE–FRET triple fluorescence mechanism, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2022, 10, 8528.
[9] Chen, F.; Huang, Z.; Li, T.; Xiao, T.; Wang S.; Bai, G.; Sun, H.; Zhu, S.; Yang, W.; Lu, H. ; Wei, C.*, Highly deformable and durable hydrogels through synergy of covalent crosslinks and nanosheet‐reinforced dynamic interactions toward flexible sensor, Advanced Materials Technologies 2022, 2200745.
[10] Wang, S.; Zhang, Q.; Tang, J.; Xu Y.; Li M.; Feng L.; Xie, J. ; Wei, C.*; Ding, Y; Highly effective anti-corrosion composite coatings enhanced by non-covalent functionalized boron nitride nanosheets via a facile latex approach, Composites Communications2022, 32, 101153.
1、国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目(22302052),2024.01.01-2026.12.31, 30万元, 主持。
2、国家留学基金管理委员会, 国家公派博士后项目(202008340021),2021.03-2023.03, 28万元, 主持。
3、安徽省自然科学基金人才类(青年)项目(2108085QB47),2021.07-2023.03, 10万元, 主持。
4、安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目(2023AH052190),2023.06-2025.06, 10万元, 主持。
5、英国剑桥大学-EPSRC项目(EP/S009000/1),2023.03-2024.02, 3万英镑,主持。