

Opening Ceremony of “4th International Conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer”




Host:  Chen Xiao, Vice President of Hefei University


Time:  8:30-10:00 am, May 24th


Hefei Meishan Hotel, Qunxian Hall


Main content

1.    主持人宣布会议开幕

Announcing the Opening of the Conference

2.    领导与嘉宾致词

Speeches Addressed by Leaders and Guests

            3. 照相留念

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830-840           合肥学院党委书记陶登松致欢迎词

                      Speech of Welcome Addressed by Tao Dengsong, President of Academic Council, Hefei University.

840-845           安徽省科协副主席梁寿南致词

                      Speech Given by Liang Shounan, Vice Chairman of Anhui Association for Science and Technology.

845-855           国家友谊奖获得者Michael Nelles教授致词

                      Speech Given by Prof. Michael Nelles, Winner of the National Friendship Award.

855-900           安徽省人力资源和社会保障厅副厅长、安徽省外国专家


Speech Given by Ge Yuqing, Vice Leader of Anhui Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs.

900-905           韩国公团副理事长金时显致词

Speech Given by Jin Shixian, Vice Director of Korean Industrial Group.

905-910           安徽省省教育厅副厅长江春致词

                      Speech Given by Jiang Chun, Director of Anhui Department for Education.

910-920           德国罗斯托克市副市长Holger Matthäus致贺词

Speech Given by Holger Matthäus, Vice Mayor of Rostock of German.

920-930           合肥市副市长杨增权致贺词

Speech of Congratulation Addressed by Yang Zengquan, Vice Mayor of Hefei.

930-1000          照相留念

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