Anhui Sino-German Educational Cooperation Foundation Holds the Third Session of the First Council in HFU


On the afternoon of March 30, the Third Session of the First Council of Anhui Sino-German Educational Cooperation Foundation is held in Hefei University. The meeting sees participants onsite or online, including Chen Xiu, Chairman of the Foundation and Vice President of the HFU, Dong Qi, Vice Chairman of the Foundation as well as President of Tongji Zhejiang College, and other directors and supervisors.

At the beginning of the meeting, Chen Xiu issues letters of appointment to directors and supervisors of the Foundation and then delivers its 2020 work report to the Council as well as its 2021 work plan.

Over the meeting, the directors and supervisors carry out a heated discussion on the key work of the Foundation in 2021, mainly focusing on maintaining alumni relations, pluralizing fund-raising channels and expanding its publicity with its influence enhanced. The discussion is fruitful with quite a number of positive suggestions. Afterwards, five management rules for the Foundations are deliberated and voted through by all directors.

In her concluding remarks, Chen Xiu speaks highly of the work of the Foundation in the past year. She says the Foundation is the fruit of Sino-German cooperation, so it is in great need of the support of all members, especially that of alumni, enterprises and those caring people. In the future, the Foundation will continue to work hard with its charity practices.